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Quincy Improvement Project


Quincy Intertie Improvements Project

Owner:  City of Aurora

Engineer:  Jacobs Engineering

Value:  $8,145,854

Job Description:

Project was integral to allowing the City of Auroa to divert raw water and finish water between their three water treatment plants and the City’s reservoirs.  Project work included demolition of existing vault structures and manholes; demolition of inline valves and 54” steel piping in the middle of Quincy Avenue, and abandoning portions of existing 16-inch Quincy Reservoir inlet piping. Installation of new Quincy intertie concrete vault structure (75’ x 68’ x 24’) 22 feet in the ground, CMU structure, temporary shoring and ground water mitigation, installation of 24”, 30”, 42” and 54” steel yard piping including valves, and associated interior vault piping and valves and appurtenances, site drainage and grading, access road, new fence and gates, new turn land and park entrance and Quincy Ave., new electrical service and instrumentation and HVAC.