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North Campus Horizontal Well Project


North Campus Horizontal Well Project

Owner:  City of Aurora

Engineer:  Carollo

Value:  $21,256,431

Job Description:

This project includes management of 5 connected but separate sites and extensive coordination with multiple parties.

       Site 1 - Construction of an innovative Radial Collector Well alongside the South Platte River. This well collects water across ten 200’ long, 12” diameter, radially oriented screens.  These screens are drilled horizontally 30’ below grade from the interior of the caisson.  A pump station is constructed above the caisson to house the pumps, electrical, and mechanical components.  This collector well and pump station will be capable of delivering flows exceeding 10,000 gallons per minute.

      Site 2 – To connect to the existing infrastructure a river crossing is necessary. A 52’ deep x 34’ diameter secant wall caisson is constructed for the microtunneling launch pit.  

       Site 3 - A 52’ deep x 15’ diameter secant wall caisson is constructed for the microtunneling receiving pit.

       Site 4 – The river crossing itself utilized microtunneling to install a 48” casing pipe and 36” carrier pipe 40’ below the river bed.

       Site 5 – 30” and 36” cross country yard piping was utilized to interconnect the new pump station, new river crossing and existing infrastructure.

Velocity Constructors, Inc. has excelled in coordinating 7 different engineering firms, 3 large specialty contractors, along with the typical subcontractors and suppliers utilized on a pump station of this size.