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North Campus Well Field Expansion


North Campus Well Field Expansion, Former Thornton Property - Civil/Electrical/Mechanical

Owner:  City of Aurora

Engineer:  Kennedy Jenks

Value:  $7,885,090

Job Description:

Work consisted of installation of submersible well pump, motor and pitless adapter at each of the six (6) wells. Installation of below-ground pre-cast concrete meter vaults for each of the six (6) wells. Installation of ductile iron piping and appurtenances from each of the six (6) wells through the meter vault to the well collection pipeline. Installation of approximately 2,700 lineal feet of 12” and 16” C900 PVC pipelines to transport the water from the six (6) wells into the City’s existing Well Field collection pipeline system. Connect the pipeline to the City’s existing Well Field collection pipeline. Installation of a gravel roadway to provide access to each well site, gravel access driveways at each well station location, and a turnaround area at the northern-most well. Installation of above ground electrical, instrumentation & control cabinets on concrete slabs for each well. Installation of electrical and fiber optic service to each well site. Coordination, performance, and documentation for all necessary factory and field acceptance testing for all equipment and the integrated well system. Provide shop drawing submittals. Attendance at weekly construction progress meetings. Acquisition of all required permits and submittal of all required documentation per the permit requirements.