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Virtual Medicare Meeting

Are you or someone you know eligible, or soon will be eligible for Medicare?

Do you need help understanding how Medicare works, where to get started, when to get started, and what comes next?

If you answered yes then - Join us Tuesday March 19th at 5:30pm mountain time; Holly Gillespie specializes in Medicare related enrollment and she’s here to help you get through the process.


Holly has a presentation that will last approximately 45 minutes, and she’ll stick around to answer some questions.

This invitation is open to anyone in your family and friends network! Please share the teams link below, you can call and listen in even if you don’t see the virtual presentation you’ll still gain valuable information.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 293 890 589 066
Passcode: mJ3uqr

Later Event: April 3
401k Educational Meeting